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Ark of the Covenant Ministries 1

Pastors Alex and Jennifer Pacheco

Our Leadership

Pastor Alex and Pastor Jennifer are a powerful and dynamic couple for Christ bound by their marriage covenant that span over 25 years. 

They were commissioned to answer the call of God on their lives and stepped out on faith to birth Ark of the Covenant Ministries after serving faithfully in leadership roles in other global ministries that prepared and equipped them for such a time as this.

They serve with a heart for God's people and seek to spread the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ to all who will listen. There message of love and hope has been received internationally. They reside in Bunnell, FL and are the proud parents of two boys.

Jennifer Pacheco

Our statement of faith

1. The One True God.  We believe in one God manifesting in three divine persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 13-14)

2. Man, his fall and redemption.  We believe that every disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily in service to God (Luke 9:23)

3. The Salvation of man.  We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way, truth, the ever-flowing river of life that washes us pure through our faith and acceptance of salvation (John 7:38)

4. The promise of the Father.  We believe in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that dwells within each of us to destroy every yoke, heal every ailment and set the captive free (Romans 8:11)

5.The church.  We believe that when two or more are gathered, God is in the midst for we are formed to encourage and support each other on this faith walk (Matthew 18:20)

Our Values

Ark of the Covenant Ministries is built and inspired by the anchor scripture of
“For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16)

Mission Statement

To reach the lost through the transformative power of the Gospel to build nations for the glory of Jesus Christ.


We are committed to reaching lives by sharing the Gospel to heal the broken and restore hope to the lost


Service, Integrity
and Acceptance